
Basic Company Info Documentation

Url: /api/(API Version)/TransportReviews/CompanyInfo/(CompanyId)?key=(API Key)
Example: /api/v1/TransportReviews/CompanyInfo/3338?key=
CompanyIDInt32Unique Identifier of the Company.
NameCompanyStringCompany Name of the selected company.
AddressStringFirst Address listed for the Company
Address2StringSecond Address listed for the Company
Address2StringThird Address listed for the Company (almost never listed)
CityStringCity listed for the Company
ZipCodeStringZip Code listed for the Company
PhoneStringPhone Number listed for the Company
PhoneLocalStringAlternate Phone Number listed for the Company
CompanyDescLongStringCompany Long Description to be shown on the Company Profile.
CompanyDescShortStringCompany Short Description (is not commonly used.)
MCStringMC number for the Company.
MC2StringAlternate MC number.
URLStringCompany Website Url
DateAddedDateTimeDate Company was added to Transport Reviews database.
VisableBooleanA boolean of whether the company is visible on Transport Reviews.